Radio revival rock comes our way with a superb slection this week with tracks from Reckless Hallows, Clare Easdown & Rykarda Parasol. Check out the songs here and make sure you follow these superb artists!:
Reckless Hallows-Another Day
Remember the rock that used to make your car radio buzz? Calls for a quote, “those were the days”, though it's not that long ago. Reckless Hallows are the unbridled energy you need to experience for your dynamite caffeine kick-no matter the time of the day. Another Day has those Blink-182 vibes that make you miss college days, joy laced with melancholy. As much as it is a retro reserve, the band has their characteristic performance, making this one a memorable long drive ditty to hum along to. Reckless Hallows make a powerful debut with their self-titled album, and the chemistry is undeniable. A wonderful song, and a memorable first track:
Clare Easdown-Rebel Heart
Clare Easdown has tantalised our brains and aural chambers with the kind of music she has made. Traversing genres like a comet in space, she has the Midas Touch. The artist from Sydney showcases an uncaged energy in her music, a reflection of her personality. Rebel Hearts is a pop punk track for those renegades who dared. The melody has an anthemic touch to it, Clare Easdown singing through a unique filter that captures a raw energy. The harmonics take another vocal texture, almost like an amazing accompaniment, that showcases the rebellious nature of it all. It sounds like everything you’d like to capture in excitement, and Clare is an impeccable performer with a golden heart:
Rykarda Parasol-Like Maria Callas
Rykarda Parasol has a unique take on music. Perhaps being a well travelled music aficionado can do wonders for your compositions. Her characteristic sound is as recognisable as Royal Blue ink, and her lyrics are thought-provoking and inviting. Like Maria Callas is layered with instrumental zeal, while Rykarda Parasol gives you a vocal performance like Patti Smith. It is an amazing number to experience-the progression will steal you away into a whole new universe. This is stadium rock love, referencing the legendary soprano artist. Showcasing confidence, class and contrasting it with the grit of rock and roll, Rykarda has something special in this number that makes you want to keep grooving to it. In one song, you get a brilliant rhythm as well as a history lesson? What more could you want?:
Check out our indie rock playlist here as well!: