Legends of the Seven Golden Vampires are prepared to take you into a world of fantasy. Imagine a place where new wave, post rock and indie rock culminate to create one massive, interesting being. These tales will be told, but only true believers will be inducted into the inner fold. This one is called Autumn Falls, from Psychedelic Soul & Trash, Vol.3.
You need to get used to that awesome percussion. It is the source and soul of your song, while haunting layers bleed in slowly. Mystery is the name of the game, from the moment instruments come in. The vocals are effervescent, sweet yet diffusing into the background of what the song creates for you. An amalgam of 4 decades of music, what you’re going to get is something you have never even conceptualised. Get high on sugar, and then mellow out on salads-you’re going to be green with envy.
The track is the fourth on their latest album, creating quite the flurry of excitement. It is a psychedelic blend of all the kinds of themes and music that helps you get out of the mood funk and into the groove one. Legends of the Seven Golden Vampires put out their best collection yet, and trust me, you’re in for a treat:
Check out our indie rock playlist here as well!: