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Michael Messer envisions a beautiful future with "Visions of Hope"

Michael Messer has made a library of sound with the kind of experimentation he does. He is a singer-songwriter, but so much more. He is a precarious polymath who loves collaborating, and that is my catnip for today. The way you experience this song is unlike any groovy number you have for some time. This is called Visions of Hope. The track features Chaz Jankel as well. 

The tone of the kalimba and bluesy guitar riff come together to make a perfect groove pocket. Michael Messer charms us with the first line itself, creating a contrast as to what you want to hear. If you want to believe in hope, he gives you visuals of the things that are turning to chaos. Tones will lead you to the storytelling crescendo, where the thump makes you close your eyes and take it in. The slide guitar is as splendid as it is a superb break in the middle of the song. 

Michael Messer

It’s good to note that Michael Messer brings a huge legion of fans who go gaga for this kind of innovation in music. Johnny Cash was one of them, and for good reason. The track is a perfect thread that connects the past with the contemporary future we want to see. This is our vision of hope:

Check out the playlist for the singer-songwriters here as well!:

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